Vibration isolation systems & technology

TEJASA TC S.L.L knows very well that it is necessary to innovate to improve their competitiveness in the market, intensified their R & D activity since 2006 by running R & D projects funded by the Government of Cantabria and SODERCAN (Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria).

Within these innovation projects have been researching new materials and innovative prototypes designed by the company. Obtained developments are constantly added to the range of products and services Silentflex®, resulting in highly competitive technology solutions that are exported to over 40 countries.

As a result of this intense innovative activity, the company has achieved both national and international patents, as the success of their products in the market, such as Silentflex® damped floating slabs installed in the European Capital of Basketball  and the Alba Synchrotron, among others:

Revista CAUCE Nº 153 (2010): Special article about Alba Synchrotron

Periódico La Vanguardia (01/06/2011): Monographic section about TEJASA

Losas Antivibratorias SILENTFLEX®

Direct line: +34 942 544 223

Fax:           +34 942 544 224



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Calle de la Industria, Nº 77

Parque Industrial Tirso g. Nave 21 y 22-6

C.P. 39610 - El Astillero

Cantabria - España