Vibration isolation systems & technology

Silentflex® is a registered trademark of TEJASA TC, S.L.L. to name their wide range of technological products. Silentflex® products are very competitive, high quality, specialized in the control of vibration, noises and shocks in all types of applications and work sectors: industrial manufacturing, transportation, construction, automotive, among others. These products are exported all over the world.

TEJASA TC, S.L.L. born in 1989 with a consolidated experience of its staff in the field of anti-vibration & suspensions systems. Its initial headquarters was in Bilbao and from 2005 is in El Astillero (Cantabria - Spain).

The most important activity of the company focuses on the engineering and manufacturing of new materials and devices for isolating vibration, noise and shock, one hand leaning on the know-how achieved through years of work as well as in the implementation of the R & D + i in the whole course of his business. Result has been the product ranges Silentflex®.

Direct line: +34 942 544 223

Fax:           +34 942 544 224



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Calle de la Industria, Nº 77

Parque Industrial Tirso g. Nave 21 y 22-6

C.P. 39610 - El Astillero

Cantabria - España